

PTA membership shows your passionate support for schools and public education.

PTAs work in partnership with schools and communities to ensure children have the greatest opportunity to reach their potential.

PTAs at the local, state, and national levels advocate on behalf of children on matters of education, health, and safety.  Higher membership numbers indicate greater support for these initiatives.  In fact, there are nearly 500,000 PTA members in Texas, of which more than 20,000 are PTA members in the RISD Council of PTAs.  Your membership counts, quite literally, and reflects that you indeed Back The Future.


Each year, from August 1 - April 15, RISD Council of PTAs offers our Angel Membership packages for those who would like to purchase memberships in multiple RISD PTAs. We have a variety of membership packages from the 18 most in-need PTAs to creating your own option, or joining PTAs by learning community. To learn more about Angel memberships and to join as an Angel member, click the "Join Now" button below. To see a current list of Angel Members, scroll to the bottom of this page. 


To join your local campus PTA only, please visit the PTA's website or sign up via Click here for a list of local PTAs.


Sign Up as a member of Marni's Angel program to support RISD PTAs!

Click HERE to join Marni’s Angels 

**Membership for the new year opens in August**

Membership Goals and Monthly Incentives

Annual Council Goal for 2024-2025:  Our overall membership goal for this year, as a council, is to get to 20,000 members by the end of the school year. We can do this!


Texas PTA's Monthly Membership Goal

Download the Local PTA Membership Award Opportunities flyer in English and Spanish from the Texas PTA website. The flyer is located under the section entitled Membership Awards. 


Please contact our Membership Vice President for more information. 



Thank you PTA Angels for showing how We Are One!

As a PTA Angel, your generosity and dedication to public education sets you apart through your significant commitment to RISD and its 37,000+ students. 


You will be recognized on both the RISD Council of PTAs website and newsletter, and receive a certificate of appreciation. The PTAs you thoughtfully support will be informed about your generosity and may honor you, too. 

To become an Angel member, click the Angel Wings above between August 1 - April 15. For more information, please contact our Angel Memberships Chair.


2024-2025 Platinum Angel Members
Memberships in all 51 RISD PTAs


- Sarah Barker, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs President

- Tabitha Branum, RISD Superintendent

- Christopher Goodson, RISD Assistant Superintendent of HR & RISD Parent

- Joey Kaner, RISD Community Member, in memory of his sweet wife, Marni Kaner

- Kellie Machado & Family, Big Springs Elementary School Nurse

- David Pate, RISD Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Support Services

- The Peach Cobbler Factory - Richardson, RISD Community Member

- Chris Poteet, RISD Board of Trustees President, At Large Place 7 & RISD Parent

- Darwin Spiller, RISD Executive Director of Compliance & Investigations


2024-2025 Diamond Angel Members 

Memberships in 40 RISD PTAs


Will YOU be our first?


2024-2025 Golden Angel Members 

Memberships in 20 RISD PTAs


- Dallas United Crew, RISD Community Member


2024-2025 Golden Special Angel Members 

Memberships in 18 RISD PTAs in need of extra support


- Jeff Armitage, RISD Council of PTAs Past President & RISD Parent

- Casey Boland, RISD Teacher, in memory of Dr. & Mrs. Sid & Ona Boland

- Melanie Cowlishaw, RISD Community Member

- First United Methodist Church Richardson, RISD Community Member

- Dr. Melissa Heller, RISD Assistant Superintendent of Strategy & Engagement & RISD Parent

- Mike Jasso, RISD Chief of Staff

- Laurie Jones, Spring Creek Elementary Nurse, in memory of Sue Fisette, Executive Assistant at Classical Magnet School

- Dr. Kristin Leeper, RISD Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning & RISD Parent

- Amir Omar, RISD Community Member

- Carolyn Potter, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Past President

- Lisa Simmons, RISD Parent

- Katie Smith, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Treasurer

- Emily Villamar-Robbins - RISD Parent, in memory of Marni Kaner


 2024-2025 Golden Eagle Angel Members 

Memberships in all 13 Richardson High School Learning Community PTAs


- Morgan Cave, RISD Director of Instructional Technology

- Chris Choat, Richardson HS Principal & RISD Parent

- Amanda Clair, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Legislative Action Chair

- Vincent Dawes, RISD Executive Director, HR - Richardson Learning Community

- Marissa Dunlap, RISD Parent

- Cristal Kesner, RISD Parent, in memory of Marni Kaner

- Olivia Mayberry, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Character & Spirituality Chair

- Katie Mottram, Westwood Jr High Principal

- Jason Philyaw, RISD Communications Specialist

- Crystalyn Roberts, RISD Teacher

- Matthew Sutherland, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Positive Male Role Models Chair


2024-2025 Golden Mustang Angel Members 

Memberships in all 12 Pearce High School Learning Community PTAs


- Shelly Kraal, Northrich Elementary Library & Information Technology Educator

- Dusti Krchnak, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs 4th VP

- Carolyn Power, RISD Community Member

- Anna Wynne, RISD Community Member, in memory of Marni Kaner


2024-2025 Golden Ram Angel Members 

Memberships in all 14 Berkner High School Learning Community PTAs


- Juanita Armstrong, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs 1st VP

- Grant Bortnem, Big Springs Elementary Principal

- Yolanda Gaither, Apollo Junior High Principal & RISD Parent

- Stephanie McAfee, RISD Parent

- Carol McBroom, Berkner Learning Community Academic Facilitator

- Elaine Selheim, Big Springs Elementary Teacher

- Susan Varner, RISD Grandparent


2024-2025 Golden Wildcat Angel Members 

Memberships in all 15 Lake Highlands High School Learning Community PTAs


- Jennie Bates, RISD Area Superintendent - Lake Highlands Learning Community

- Susan Burt, Forest Meadow Middle School Principal


2024-2025 Silver Angel Members 

Memberships in 10 RISD PTAs


- Katie Barrett, RISD Senior Executive Director, Special Student Services

- Tori Behrman, RISD Instructional Support Specialist

- Alexis Cass, RISD Parent

- Cecilia Galvan, RISD Director of Student Services

- Pamela Hughes, RISD Parent


2024-2025 Silver Bronco Angel Members 

Memberships in all 6 Richardson West Junior High Learning Community PTAs


- Jose Vega, Richardson West Jr. High Principal & RISD Parent


2024-2025 Silver Charger Members 

Memberships in all 9 Forest Meadow Middle School Learning Community PTAs


- Tori Cohorn, White Rock Elementary Music Teacher & RISD Parent, in memory of Debbie Tate, 5th grade teacher at Forestridge Elementary

- Katie Mackinson, RISD Parent

- Scott Mackinson, RISD Parent

- Laura Stenstrom, RISD Parent


2024-2025 Silver Panther Angel Members 

Memberships in all 8 Apollo Junior High Learning Community PTAs


- Holly Gordon, Yale Elementary Assistant Principal

- Ginger Tonne, RISD Council of PTAs Past President & RISD Community Member


2024-2025 Silver Patriot Angel Members 

Memberships in all 7 Liberty Junior High Learning Community PTAs


- Amiee Himler, Liberty Junior High Assistant Principal


2024-2025 Silver Raider Angel Members 

Membership in all 6 Park Hill Junior High Learning Community PTAs


Will YOU be our first?


2024-2025 Silver Viking Angel Members 

Membership in all 6 North Junior High Learning Community PTAs


- Mark Solomon Sr., Assurnet Insurance Agency, RISD Grandparent & Community Member


2024-2025 Silver Wolf Angel Members 

Membership in all 7 Westwood Junior High Learning Community PTAs


Will YOU be our first?


2024-2025 Silver Wildcat Angel Members 

Membership in all 7 Lake Highlands Junior High Learning Community PTAs


Will YOU be our first?


2024-2025 Bronze Angel Members 

Memberships in 5 RISD PTAs


- Stefani Barner, Merriman Park School Nurse & RISD Parent

- Margaret Boksiner, RISD Parent

- Karen Burnell, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Healthy Lifestyles Chair

- Meredyth Childress, RISD Parent, RISD Council of PTAs Past President & Dress Boutique Vice Chair

- Francy Collins, RISD Community Member, in memory of Marni Kaner

- Allison Congdon, Aikin Elementary Principal

- Jenny Cozzolino, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Clothes Closet Volunteers Chair

- Jeri Duncan, RISD Community Member, in memory of Marni Kaner

- Felicia Easter, CMLC Campus  Administrator Support

- Kristi Gardere, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Used Book Fair Chair

- Ashley Gordon, RISD Parent, in honor of the wonderful teachers and staff at Richardson Heights Elementary

- Liz Gluckman, RISD Council of PTAs Past President, in memory of Marni Kaner

- Rebecca GrayParkhill Jr. High Teacher / Department Head

- Robin Gunter, RISD Executive Director of Instructional Technology

- Emily Hennessy, RISD Parent

- Melanie Jackson, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs 3rd VP

- Chelsea Larson, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Website Administrator

- Summer Lindsey, RISD Parent & RISD Ambassador

- Anna Miller-Goodman, RISD Parent & RISD Council of PTAs Angel Membership Chair

- Denise Newman, Mohawk Elementary Principal

- Marcia Otte, RISD Grandparent

- Lauren Roberts, RISD Parent

- Ann Ryan, RISD Community Member

- Suzy Shoup, Lake Highlands Middle School Math Teacher & RISD Parent, in memory of Shauna Schultz

- Sandy Somer, RISD Parent

- Sandra Turner, RISD Community Member, in honor of her and her husband's alma maters and her mother's campus

- Anonymous (3), RISD Parent

 Join PTA - #MarnisAngels

Sign Up as a member of Marni's Angel program to support RISD PTAs! 

Click here to join Marni’s Angels