Milestones in Richardson ISD Council of PTAs History
2022-2023 - Texas PTA President Suzi Kennon honored by Texas House of Representatives for her work and dedication to PTA, and for being a tireless advocate for Texas youth with an official House Resolution, HR 1744, which was adopted on May 22, 2023. Watch the video of State Representative Justin Holland as he presents the resolution to the House on Texas PTA's Facebook page.
2021-2022 Used Book Fair Sponsor poster and Table Sponsors signs are updated with a new look and branding designed by Mina Frannea, Council Communications Chair.
2020 - 2021 The Council News (meeting agenda for Delegate Meeting) goes 100% digital.
2021-2022 Council gets a new logo and new look for the Council Link and Council News, designed by Mina Frannea, Communications Chair.
2020 - 2021 New logo designed for Marni's Angels membership program by Mina Frannea, Communications Chair
2020 - 2021 Council Board holds special meeting on September 10, 2020 via Zoom and were joined by a few of RISD Board of Trustees to rename Angel membership program to The RISD Council of PTAs Angel Membership Program in Honor of Marni Kaner, who founded the program in 2013. Marni's Angels has added just over 10,000 memberships to RISD PTA since 2013!
2019-2020 COVID-19 pandemic erupted and resulted in closures of schools and communities throughout the world. Schools in Texas closed for Spring Break in March of 2020 and didn't open again until August of 2020. RISD opened with three weeks of virtual school for all students. Thereafter, about half the students chose to go back to school face to face and the other half virtually, with parents making learning model decision changes every nine weeks. PTAs held meetings virtually via Zoom and a whole new set of rules had to be implemented.
2019-2020 - The Council News gets a brand new look designed by Mina Frannea, Council Communications Chair
2018-2019- A Record FIFTEEN PTAs in RISD Council accomplised the Voice for Every Child Award
2017-2018- Clothes Closet was closed on Security Row and a new Clothes Closet was opened on Belt Line Rd. across the street from Richardson High School. 10 PTAs accomplished A Voice for Every Child, Started a Twitter Feed.
2016-2017- 9 PTAs accomplished A Voice for Every Child, Reached the 20,000 member goal for RISD Council.
2015-2016- 10 PTAs accomplished A Voice for Every Child, Moved the Used Book Fair to the RISD Professional Development Center, Closed the Lake Highlands Freshman Center PTA
2014-2015 9 PTAs accomplished A Voice for Every Child, First Back the Future Council Wide Kick off of the school year, First Council Regular meeting translated into Spanish
2013-2014 8 PTAs accomplished A Voice for Every Child, implemented the Gail McAda Council Service Award, Awarded 5 and 10 year Service-to-Council pins
2014-2015 9 PTAs accomplished A Voice for Every Child, First Back the Future Council Wide Kick off of the school year, First Council Regular meeting translated into Spanish
2013-2014 8 PTAs accomplished A Voice for Every Child, implemented the Gail McAda Council Service Award, Awarded 5 and 10 year Service-to-Council pins
2013 Angel Membership Program founded and established by Marni Kaner. Marni also helped Councils across Texas establish their own Angel membership programs.
2012-2013 Launched Facebook page, Created membership package campaign, Each RISD high school hosted a Regular Council Meeting, which highlighted the schools in that feeder pattern, awarded 5 year Service-to-Council pins
2011-2012 First use of online store and accounting package, Presented two Spanish language trainings, Recognized outstanding local units with awards and ribbons, Awarded 5, 10, and 15 year Service-to-Council pins
2010-2011 Used Book Fair moved to Coit & Beltline, Prom Dress Boutique began
2009-2010 Revised bylaws & standing rules
2008-2009 Celebrated 50th anniversary as a Council
2007-2008 New local unit established – Richland Collegiate High School PTA, Recognized Joy Weinstein for maximum 15 years of service to Council
2005-2006 New local unit established – Thurgood Marshall Elementary PTA
2004-2005 Creation of Council website, Creation of Council Link – first e-newsletter, Established SAGE Special Committee, Moved Used Book Fair to Valley View Mall, Piloted Car Seat Safety Project, New local unit established – Arapaho Classical Magnet PTA, Closed 3 local units – Richardson Junior High PTA, Classical Magnet Elementary PTA, Arapaho Elementary PTA
2002-2003 New local unit established – Audelia Creek Elementary PTA
2000-2001 Awarded “Outstanding Extra Large Council” by Texas PTA, Awarded “Legislative Guardian Award” by Texas PTA
1998-1999 Awarded “Outstanding Extra Large Council” by Texas PTA, Awarded “Legislative Guardian Award” by Texas PTA
1997-1998 Awarded “Outstanding Extra Large Council” by Texas PTA
1992-1993 Established TILT Standing Committee
1990-1991 Awarded “Best Extra Large Council” by Texas PTA
1985-1986 Clothes Closet created
1982-1983 Used Book Fair created – located at Richardson Square Mall
1980-1981 Parent Advisory Committee formed by Board of Trustees, Recognized Carolyn Horton Bourgeois for maximum 15 years of service to Council
1978-1979 Established Educational Services Standing Committee
1959 Founded Richardson ISD Council of PTAs, Marie Holcomb, first president
1929 Joined the state and national Parent Teachers Association (PTA) in October 1929 as the Richardson PTA, Mrs. Mahlon Condley, first president
1910 Founded Richardson Mother’s Club, Mrs. W.S. Parks, founder & first president
2012-2013 Launched Facebook page, Created membership package campaign, Each RISD high school hosted a Regular Council Meeting, which highlighted the schools in that feeder pattern, awarded 5 year Service-to-Council pins
2011-2012 First use of online store and accounting package, Presented two Spanish language trainings, Recognized outstanding local units with awards and ribbons, Awarded 5, 10, and 15 year Service-to-Council pins
2010-2011 Used Book Fair moved to Coit & Beltline, Prom Dress Boutique began
2009-2010 Revised bylaws & standing rules
2008-2009 Celebrated 50th anniversary as a Council
2007-2008 New local unit established – Richland Collegiate High School PTA, Recognized Joy Weinstein for maximum 15 years of service to Council
2005-2006 New local unit established – Thurgood Marshall Elementary PTA
2004-2005 Creation of Council website, Creation of Council Link – first e-newsletter, Established SAGE Special Committee, Moved Used Book Fair to Valley View Mall, Piloted Car Seat Safety Project, New local unit established – Arapaho Classical Magnet PTA, Closed 3 local units – Richardson Junior High PTA, Classical Magnet Elementary PTA, Arapaho Elementary PTA
2002-2003 New local unit established – Audelia Creek Elementary PTA
2000-2001 Awarded “Outstanding Extra Large Council” by Texas PTA, Awarded “Legislative Guardian Award” by Texas PTA
1998-1999 Awarded “Outstanding Extra Large Council” by Texas PTA, Awarded “Legislative Guardian Award” by Texas PTA
1997-1998 Awarded “Outstanding Extra Large Council” by Texas PTA
1992-1993 Established TILT Standing Committee
1990-1991 Awarded “Best Extra Large Council” by Texas PTA
1985-1986 Clothes Closet created
1982-1983 Used Book Fair created – located at Richardson Square Mall
1980-1981 Parent Advisory Committee formed by Board of Trustees, Recognized Carolyn Horton Bourgeois for maximum 15 years of service to Council
1978-1979 Established Educational Services Standing Committee
1959 Founded Richardson ISD Council of PTAs, Marie Holcomb, first president
1929 Joined the state and national Parent Teachers Association (PTA) in October 1929 as the Richardson PTA, Mrs. Mahlon Condley, first president
1910 Founded Richardson Mother’s Club, Mrs. W.S. Parks, founder & first president
Past Presidents of Richardson ISD Council of PTAs
2021-2022 Lalita Howell
2019-2021 Carolyn Potter
2017-2019 Meredyth Childress
2016-2017 Jeffrey Armitage
2014-2016 Marni Kaner*
2012-2014 Liz Gluckman 2011-2012 Linda Holstein 2010-2011 Tony Reynolds 2009-2010 Tomi Morriss 2008-2009 Ginger Tonne 2007-2008 Joy Weinstein 2006-2007 Karen Holburn 2005-2006 Melanie Cowlishaw 2004-2005 Lynette Weisheit 2003-2004 Margaret Duncan* 2002-2003 Lesa Russo 2001-2002 Linda Britton 2000-2001 Ellen Steger 1998-2000 Brenda Boston 1997-1998 Carol Kent 1995-1997 Gail Hefton 1993-1995 Mary Jo Poscharsky 1992-1993 Gayle Brink* 1991-1992 Kay Sanders 1990-1991 Susan Dortch 1989-1990 Becca Shelton 1988-1989 JoAnne Norwood |
1987-1988 Audrey Cunningham
1986-1987 Fredda Horton
1985-1986 Sue Nivin*
1984-1985 Becky Dye Evans 1983-1984 Ruth Ann Stallings 1982-1983 Susan Miller* 1981-1982 Judy Wingo 1980-1981 Carolyn Bourgeosis 1979-1980 Marlene Klemm* 1978-1979 Gail McAda 1978 Georgia Burns 1977-1978 Carlene Rawles* 1976-1977 Mary Short 1974-1976 Judye Ogden* 1972-1974 Betty J. Mays* 1970-1972 Velda Holmes* 1969-1970 Anne Rose* 1968-1969 Sue Wheat* 1967-1968 Joyce Nussbaun* 1966-1967 Opal Marshall* 1965-1966 Marion Taylor* 1964-1965 Pate Stanphill* 1963-1964 Lois Attaway* 1962-1963 Jo Hughes-Travis 1961-1962 Dottie Brown* 1960-1961 Anne Eppright* 1959-1960 Marie Holcomb* |
1996-1998 Gail McAda
1988-1990 Mary Short
Area 15 2006-Present
2011-2013 Lori Norman
2008-2009 Joy Weinstein
2006-2007 Lynette Weisheit
District 10 1995-2005
2003-2005 Lesa Russo
District 2 1912-1996
1986-1988 Gail McAda
1982-1984 Mary Short
1980-1982 B.J. Mays*
1972-1974 Anne Eppright*
1996-1998 Gail McAda
1988-1990 Mary Short
Area 15 2006-Present
2011-2013 Lori Norman
2008-2009 Joy Weinstein
2006-2007 Lynette Weisheit
District 10 1995-2005
2003-2005 Lesa Russo
District 2 1912-1996
1986-1988 Gail McAda
1982-1984 Mary Short
1980-1982 B.J. Mays*
1972-1974 Anne Eppright*
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 31
- Thursday, April 24
- Thursday, May 1