RISD Council of PTAs Scholarships
Joseph Jones Pearce served as RISD superintendent from 1946 to 1977. As a legacy to Dr. Pearce's service and devotion to the education of Richardson youth, a memorial scholarship fund in his name was established to benefit RISD high school seniors and teachers. Funds for these scholarships are provided by donations from the community, the local PTAs of RISD Council and proceeds from the RISD Council of PTAs Used Book Fair. If you are interested in donating to this memorial scholarship fund, please contact the Council Treasurer.
Click here to see 2022-2023 Scholarship recipients
4-Year University Scholarship
Requirements: The applicant must be a graduating senior of one of the RISD's High Schools. Selection is based on scholastic ability, financial need, extra-curricular activities, character, and a short essay.
Note: To be eligible to accept this scholarship the recipient may not accept any scholarships totaling two times the amount of this scholarship. This does not include grants, loans, or scholarships made directly from recipient's college. Award date is May 4, 2023.
Amount: One-time award of $2,400 to a 4-year university/college to be paid directly to the educational institution by summer 2024.
Submit: Completed digital form, transcript front and back, and resume.
Deadline: Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 11:59pm
Teacher Scholarship
Requirements: The applicant must have completed one academic year of teaching or employment in RISD, be an employee in good standing and must be considered a full-time employee by the Richardson School District, and continue his/her employment with the RISD for a period of not less than one year following the award.
Note: Scholarship funds must be used within one (1) calendar year of being awarded. Award date is May 4, 2023.
Amount: One-time award of $500 paid directly to the educational institution.
Submit: Completed digital form.
Deadline: Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 11:59pm
Questions? Contact Scholarship Chair
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