Environmental Services 2023-2024


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Thank you for being a part of the effort to expand environmental awareness and activism in Richardson ISD! Below are some resources to help you serve your school community.


Protecting our environment is one of the most important things we can do for our children and future generations. We need to teach our children that their future may depend on the environmental awareness they develop now. 


How to Start Your Program

For Local PTA Chair 

  • Meet with your president and principal to discuss potential goals and role of your committee.
  • Determine if there is a need for school or community improvements, either inside or outdoors. If so, plan a meeting and invite speakers who can explain the problem and offer possible solutions. Find out how the PTA can help. 
  • Include students in projects to supplement environmental education, to teach them to care for plant life and respect for other people’s property, to value litter-free and unpolluted surroundings, and to conserve energy and to recycle.
  • Encourage campus participation in PTA and community environmental events/activities.
  • Sign up for the Go Green Initiative and start implementing some of the elements.
  • Encourage recycle, reduce, and reuse strategies on your campus.
  • Meet with school staff and parents concerning environmental needs and concerns in the school community. 


Additional Strategies: 

  • Clean up of school grounds or community areas - consider creeks, rivers, and beaches.
  • Improve the playground area. Additional benches, foursquare or hopscotch designs on the paved areas, and workout stations with instruction plaques are just a few ideas that can encourage more use of the playground.
  • Plan and build an outdoor learning center, nature trail, butterfly or vegetable garden. This may be a long-term project that can involve the community and local business partners. The end result will be very gratifying for those involved and will be appreciated for years to come.
  • A PTA might host an environmental contest, or choose to sponsor an anti-litter campaign, or donate books to the library and materials for environmental study. 

Download 21-Day Eco-Challenge Flyers 



Does your school have an existing school garden?  If so, Mortgage on a Mission is offering mini grants to pay for snacks/drinks for volunteer workdays at your existing school garden.  Please contact Ben Strube, Mortgage Broker and Owner of Mortgage on a Mission.  He can be reached at ben@mortgagemission.org. Thank you to Ben and Mortgage on a Mission for supporting RISD!


New Resource: Green School Playbook

Every day, PTAs throughout the nation are committed to advocating for the environment, promoting health and safety and helping protect our world's finite natural resources. Our association recognizes the importance of environmental issues and the impact they have on the health and welfare of children and their families.


As the new school year gets underway, the Green School Guide by Environment America Research & Policy Center includes fantastic resources with helpful tips on engaging your school district and taking more eco-friendly actions. 


Environmental Holidays and Recognitions for May:


National Bike Month

May 17 - World Recycling Day

May 20 - World Bee Day

May 21 - Endangered Species Day


Environmental Holidays and Recognitions for April:


April 3 - World Aquatic Animal Day

April 19-23 - National Environmental Education Week

April 19-27 National Park Week

April 20-26 Dark Sky Week

April 22 - Earth Day

April 26 - Arbor Day


Environmental Holidays and Recognitions for March:


March 3 - World Wildlife Day

March 14 - International day of Action for Rivers

March 15 - Buzzards Day

March 16 - National Panda Day

March 18 - Global Recycling Day

March 20 - World Sparrow Day

March 20 - World Frog Day

March 21 - International Day of Forests

March 22 - World Water Day

March 25 - Earth Hour

March 27 - Manatee Appreciation Day

March 30 - International Day of Zero Waste


Environmental Holidays and Recognitions for February:


February 2 - World Wetlands Day

February 2 - World Ostrich Day

February 2 - World Marmot Day

February 11 - International Day of Women & Girls in Science

February 14 - World Bonobo Day

February 15 - World Hippopotamus Day

February 17 - World Pangolin Day

February 18 - World Whale Day

February 27 - International Polar Bear Day


Environmental Holidays and Recognitions for January:


January 5 - National Bird Day

January 6 - National Play Outside Day (First Saturday of Every Month)

January 28 - Seed Swap Day

January 31 - International Zebra Day 


Environmental Holidays and Recognitions for December:


December 4 - Wildlife Conservation Day

December 4 - International Cheetah Day

December 5 - World Soil Day

December 11 - International Mountain Day

December 19 - Look for an Evergreen Day


Environmental Holidays and Recognitions for November:


November 4 - National Day of Community Service

November 13 - World Kindness Day

November 13 - Geography Awareness Week

November 15 - National Recycling Day

November 15 - Geographic Information Systems Day

November 17 - National Hiking Day

November 19 - National Camp Day

November 21 - World Fisheries Day

November 24 - Green Friday

November 27 - National Tree Week

November 28 - Giving Tuesday

November 29 - International Jaguar Day


October is International Walk to School Month!  Celebrate by encouraging your students to walk to school!  Enjoy the cooler weather, save gas and get some exercise!


Environmental Holidays and Recognitions for October:


October 1 - World Vegetarian Day

October 2 - World Habitat Day

October 4 - International Walk to School Day

October 4 - Energy Efficiency Day

October 14 - International E-Waste Day

October 20 - International Sloth Day

October 21 - National Reptile Awareness Day

October 22 - International Wombat Day

October 23 - Make a Difference Day

October 23 - International Snow Leopard Day

October 24 - International Day of Climate Action

October 24 - Freshwater Dolphin Day

October 24 - International Gibbon Day

October 24 - Sustainability Day

October 27 - World Lemur Day


Environmental Holidays and Recognitions for September:


September 1 - World Beach Day

September 3 - Hummingbird Day

September 3 - Vulture Awareness Day

September 16 - International Red Panda Day

September 17 - World Cleanup Day & Weekend

September 18 - World Bamboo Day

September 20 - Build a Sandcastle Day

September 22 - Elephant Appreciation Day

September 24 - Public Lands Day

September 25 - World Rivers Day

September 29 - Save the Koala Day




21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge September - April here


21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge Introduction here


September 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge English here


October 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge English here

Octubre 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge Spanish here


November 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge English here

Noviembre 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge Spanish here


November 15th America Recycles Day English here

Noviembre 15th America Recycles Day Spanish here


December 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge English here

Diciembre 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge Spanish here


January 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge English here

Enero 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge Spanish here


February 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge English here

Febrero 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge Spanish here


March 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge English here

Mario 21-Day RISD Eco-Challenge Spanish here


Earth Month ways to celebrate here

Help the Earth by writing here



Nationwide Organizations

American Lung Association www.lung.org

Children's Environmental Health Network www.cehn.com

Keep America Beautiful www.kab.org

Sierra Club www.sierraclub.org


Recycling Companies/ Organizations 

Plastics Resources www.plasticsresource.com

Waste Management www.wm.com


Educational Resources 

EPA's Enviro Kids Club- Elementary Ages www.energyhog.org

EPA's Student Center- Secondary Ages www.epa.gov/kids

Kids Gardening www.kidsgardening.com

North American Association for Environmental Education www.naaee.org


Texas Specific 

Clean Texas www.cleantexas.org

Recycling Alliance of Texas www.recycletx.com

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality www.tceq.com