This award recognizes individuals who have given extraordinary service to the RISD Council of PTAs. 2022-2023 Laura Brownlee
2020-2021 Mina Frannea, Joey Kaner, Jye Relyea
2019-2020 Lindsey Shuttlesworth
2018-2019 Brenna Eager and Ruth Gluck
2017-2018 Becky Campbell, Jason Philyaw, Carolyn Potter
2016-2017 Laura Read
2015-2016 Kim Kesler, Margaret Rozendaal, Kelli York
2014-2015 Lindsay Baronoskie, Laura Brownlee, Meredyth Childress, Dinah Miller 2013-2014 Jeff Armitage, Cindy Carter, Liz Gluckman, Alicia Post, Dana Smith, 2012-2013 Yolanda Paul 2011-2012 Holly Weinstein, Judy Whitley 2010-2011 Geralyn Hill 2009-2010 Denise Lindemann, Cathleen Hill, Lisa Faulkner Dunne 2008-2009 Karen Holburn 2007-2008 Lesa Russo, Lynette Weisheit, Wes Weisheit 2006-2007 Jeannie Curto, Brenda Milner, Susan Howerton, Ana Banowsky 2005-2006 Irene Darios, Cindy McCarthy, Judy Whitley, Ellen Steger, Kathi Tregilgas 2004-2005 Birdie Armstrong, Vicki Barrett, Pat Epstein, Susan Howerton 2003-2004 Melanie Cowlishaw, George Dailey, Jean Richards 2002-2003 Gail Akers 2001-2002 Jerry Bishop, Mary Cohen, Gail Hefton, Judy Whitenton 2000-2001 Carolyn Bukhair, Jane & Bob Ouelette, RISD Board of Trustees 1999-2000 Diana Lace 1998-1999 Bettye Stripling, Claudia Taylor 1997-1998 Sandy Shockley, Mary Wallace 1996-1997 Sherry Hobbs, Joy Weinstein 1995-1996 Terri Myers 1994-1995 Carol Kent, Thomas, Trent, Jana & Ryan Poscharsky 1993-1994 Elaine Simmons 1992-1993 Gayle Brink, Linda Douglas, Starr Ford, Lometta Jennings 1988-1989 Harold Hodges 1987-1988 Maryellen Coldiron 1986-1987 Sandy Miller, Nancy Pickford 1985-1986 Sue Nivin 1984-1985 Jay Tom Holley, Ruth Ann Stallings, Dave Wagnon, Judy Wolfe Wingo 1983-1984 Patti Clapp, Carolyn Horton 1981-1982 B.J. Mays, Mary Short, Lynda Speak 1980-1981 John Roberts 1979-1980 Nelle Guyton 1975-1976 Dr. J.J. Pearce 1974-1975 Raymond Bynum TEXAS PTA LIFE MEMBERSHIP AWARDS BESTOWED BY RISD COUNCIL
Texas PTA Life Membership is one of the highest honors presented to individuals for outstanding service to children and youth. Honorees need not be members of a PTA, but should be a person who has contributed significantly to the development of the work of the PTA. Life memberships may be conferred at any time by local, council, area, or state PTAs to individuals or interest groups. 2022-2023 Lorena Sapiains
2021-2022 Marcie Salamone
2020-2021 Brenna Eager
2019-2020 Katrina Collins, Lalita Sakthi Howell
2017-2018 Cristal Kesner
2016-2017 Dr. Christopher Goodson, Brenda Payne
2014-2015 Jeff Armitage
2013-2014 Debbie Cotton, Jennifer Sablan, Oswaldo Rivera, Shavon Moore 2011-2012 Denise Lindgren 2010-2011 Tim Clark 2009-2010 Marni Kaner 2008-2009 Kim Quirk 2007-2008 Lionel Lenoir, Tony Reynolds 2006-2007 Luke Davis, Tomi Morriss, Susan Randall 2005-2006 Jill Darling 2003-2004 Ron Hughes 2002-2003 Art Middlebrook 2001-2002 Margaret Fair, Jill Goad, David Tiffin 2000-2001 K. Jonas, Mayor Gary Slagel 1998-1999 Jean Heinkel, Jean Richards, Carol Zirlin 1997-1998 Lee Cochran 1996-1997 Susan Dacus Wilson 1992-1993 Webster Samuels 1991-1992 Livia Hajovsky 1989-1990 Dan Adamson 1987-1988 Betty Taylor 1984-1985 Peggy Dye 1983-1984 Leonard Molotsky, Roger Staubauch 1981-1982 Judy Wolfe Wingo 1977-1978 Georgia Burns 1975-1976 Mike Mamminga 1974-1975 Judy Ogden 1971-1972 Stanley McCaleb 1970-1971 Jo Castle 1968-1969 Sue Wheat 1967-1968 Phyllis Seeger 1965-1966 Margaret Lynch 1964-1965 Maryellen Coldiron 1962-1963 Dot Wheat MARNI KANER COUNCIL SERVICE AWARDS BESTOWED BY RISD COUNCIL
The Marni Kaner Award was established in 2020 in honor of Marni Berkowitz Kaner, Past Council President, for her many years service to RISD Council of PTAs and Texas PTA. Marni founded our Angel Membership program which was also renamed in her honor the same year.
2020-2021 Meredyth Childress
The Gail McAda Award was established in 2014 in recognition of Gail McAda, Past Council President, for her service to RISD Council. This award is to be presented to one person each year that has shown exemplary dedication and service to RISD Council. 2022-2023 Christy Howell
2021-2022 Mindi Albert, Sara Knowles
2019-2020 Crystalyn Roberts
2018-2019 Rebeca Moreno
2016-2017 Jennifer Sablan
2014-2015 Liz Gluckman
Created in 2017, this is award is in honor of retired RISD Principal and LONG TIME Used Book Fair Volunteer- George Dailey. It is awarded to a Used Book Fair Volunteer who goes above and beyond.
2023 - Ronson Page
2022 - Laura Brownlee
2021 - Anne Howard, Michele Reif
2020- Dusti Krchnak
2019- Jeff Ringnald
2018- Geralyn Hill
2017- Barbara Gazin
This award is given to someone who, like the super hero for which it is named, serves as a symbol of truth, justice, and equality to people everywhere and who make it a duty to lead by example.
2018-2019 Dr. Jeannie Stone
2015-2016 Meredyth Childress
This award is given to someone who has continued to give outstanding service to the Texas PTA. The honoree must have been actively involved in the Texas PTA for ten years and be a Texas Life Member. This award may be presented at any time by a local, council, area, or state PTA. 2022-2023 LalitaSakthi Howell
2020-2021 Carolyn Potter
2018-2019 Regina Harris
2017-2018 Liz Gluckman 2015-2016 Cindy Carter
2014-2015 Bonnie Muir 2011-2012 Luke Davis 2009-2010 Judy Whitley 2008-2009 Jeanie Curto 2007-2008 Joy Weinstein 2005-2006 Lanet Greenhaw, Diana Lace 2004-2005 Kay Reynolds 2003-2004 Carolyn Bukhair, Melanie Cowlishaw 2002-2003 Jana Kerr, Suzanne Siegel 2001-2002 Denise Moulton, Ted Moulton 2000-2001 Ellen Steger 1999-2000 Anne Foster 1998-1999 Karen Ellis, Lynette Weisheit 1997-1998 Mary Cohen 1996-1997 Stella Daniel 1995-1996 Rosemond Cline, Sidney Starnes 1994-1995 Mary Jo Poscharsky 1993-1994 Kay Sanders 1992-1993 Gayle Brink 1991-1992 Kayla McAfee 1989-1990 Carolyn Horton Bourgeois GOLDEN HEART AWARDS BESTOWED BY RISD COUNCIL
This is a special RISD Council award to recognize those who show the heart of RISD. Deserving individuals or organizations should show unprecedented and continuing service that reflects the purposes of PTA and makes a positive change in the lives of students within the RISD community.
2022-2023 Kennedy Everett-Fulbright, Jen Hunter, and Alison Zelaya
2021-2022 Amy Jansing
2020-2021 David Abadie, Jen Meisenheimer, Cayce Neill, Lorena Sapians
2018-2019 RISD bus driver- Curtis Jenkins and the Richardson Adult Literacy Center
2017-2018 Kate Swiney (Pearce PTA President), Nina Minney (RISD Council Environmental Services Chair), Jerre Boling (RISD Project Manager for the New Clothes Closet), Heather Brown (RISD PDC Staff) & The Understanding Differences Team
2016-2017 Sylvia Dykes (Clothes Closet Volunteer), Pasty Stringer, Laurie Stein, and Marsha Schoenkopf (RHS PTA Cares) and YMSL North Dallas Chapter & YMSL Dal-Rich Chapter
2015-2016 Beth Chisom and Sherma Brown (Clothes Closet Volunteers) 2014-2015- George Dailey (Retired RISD Principal and Dedicated Used Book Fair Volunteer 2014-2015 Marni Kaner (President RISD Council of PTAs) 2013-2014 Andy Martin (Retired RISD Teacher & Clothes Closet Volunteer) 2012-2013 Mike Bateman (Dad’s Club founder & school advocate – Merriman Park) 2011-2012 Geralynn Hill (VP Used Book Fair, Volunteer Services) 2010-2011 Gail McAda (former Council President, District President & Texas State President, Council Clothes Closet Chairman Originator of Prom Dress Boutique) 2009-2010 Dr. Carolyn G. Bukhair (retired RISD Superintendent) 2008-2009 Janna Gardner (Helping Hands Ministry Medical & Dental Clinic) NATIONAL PTA LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS BESTOWED BY RISD COUNCIL
This is the highest honor that a PTA can bestow. The honored person is someone who has given outstanding service to children – someone who has promoted children’s well-being by serving as an advocate for children in such areas as education, health, safety and legislation. The honoree does not have to be a member of a PTA nor be well known beyond his or her own area of service. Any PTA – local, council, area or state – in conjunction with the National PTA may confer an honorary National PTA Life Achievement Award on a deserving person at any time. 2021-2022 Tabitha Branum
2020-2021 Jean Bono, Kim Caston
2018-2019 Meredyth Childress
2015-2016 Marni Kaner
2011-2012 Linda Holstien 2009-2010 Tomi Morriss 2009-2008 Vicki Barrett 2006-2007 Karen Holburn, Patti Kieker 2005-2006 Melanie Cowlishaw, Anne Foster 2004-2005 Lynette Weisheit 2003-2004 Margaret Duncan, Sidney Starnes 2002-2003 Lesa Russo, Ellen Steger 2001-2002 Linda Britton 1999-2000 Joy Weinstein 1998-1999 Brenda Boston 1997-1998 Carol Kent 1996-1997 Gail Hefton 1995-1996 Mary Jo Poscharsky 1994-1995 Gayle Brink 1993-1994 Carolyn Bukhair, Dorene Martindale, Josie Sullivan 1992-1993 Bettye Stripling 1991-1992 Susan Dortch 1990-1991 JoAnne Norwood 1989-1990 Judy Neslage 1988-1989 Fredda Horton 1987-1988 Mary Cobb 1986-1987 Carolyn Horton 1985-1986 A.J. Randall, Ruth Ann Stallings, Judy Wolfe Wingo 1984-1985 Patti Clapp 1982-1983 Tom Savay 1978-1979 Gail McAda 1976-1977 Mary Short 1975-1976 B.J. Mays 1973-1974 Tom Means YEARS OF SERVICE AWARDS
15 Years of Service Award Recipients
Carolyn Bourgeois, Joy Weinstein, Gail McAda 10 Years of Service Award Recipients
2022 Meredyth Childress, Cristal Kesner, Carolyn Potter, Lorena Sapiains
Pre 2022
Marni Kaner, Diana Lace, Gail McAda, Tomi Morriss, Tony Reynolds, Lynette Weisheit, Judy Whitley
5 Years of Service Award Recipients 2023 Juanita Armstrong, LalitaSakthi Howell, April Renno, Marcie Salamone
2022 Elizabeth Afriyie, Sarah Barker, Prudence Simkin
Pre 2022
Jeff Armitage, Janet Birkhoff, Sandra Breedlove, Laura Brownlee, Lucreatia Camp, Cindy Carter, Meredyth Childress, Francy Collins, Brenna Eager, Alison Fisher, Liz Gluckman, Regina Harris, Linda Holstein, LalitaSakthi Howell, Tiffany Hoodenpyle, Marni Kaner, Cristal Kesner, Holli Maxwell, Elaine Mischler, Shavon Moore, Tomi Morriss, Sarah Myers, Bonnie Muir, Katie Patterson, Carolyn Potter, Joann Poulsen, Tony Reynolds, Jennifer Sablan, Kate Swiney, Tricia White
Directory Dedication Recipients
2016-2017- Kelli York, Laura Read, and Gail McAda- The Clothes Closet Team
2015-2016- Darwin Spiller, Angela Vaughn, Brenda Payne, Dr. Chris Goodson and Matthew Gibbons
2014-2015 Dr. Kay Waggoner 2013-2014 Judy Jacobs & Charis Hunt 2012-2013 Bob DeVoll & Joyce Wilson 2011-2012 Tony Harkleroad 2010-2011 Laurie Dacus & Elaine Simmons 2009-2010 John Kelly 2008-2009 Patti Kieker 2007-2008 Kay Reynolds 2006-2007 RISD Teachers 2005-2006 Joy Weinstein 2004-2005 Vaughn Gross 2003-2004 Judy Wittenback 2002-2003 John Jones 2001-2002 Sue Nivin 2000-2001 Gail Gable 1999-2000 RISD Paraprofessional Staff 1998-1999 RISD Board of Trustees: Anne Foster, President Anne Barab, Lanet Greenhaw, Dr. Stephanie Hirsh, Ron Hughes, Bettye Stripling & Mike Tabor 1997-1998 RISD Principals 1996-1997 Dr. Carolyn G. Bukhair 1995-1996 RISD Guidance & Counseling Department 1986-1987 Gail McAda |
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, February 8
- Sunday, February 9
- Tuesday, February 18
- Thursday, February 20
- Monday, February 24